Simplify your transition so you can focus on what matters most: caring for your people. Our guide will help you:
- Guarantee top-quality data. We know that every data point represents a real person. Clean data ensures that you serve them well.
- Boost your features and functionality. If the capabilities of your current HMIS aren’t cutting it, we’ll help you find the system that will.
- Strengthen community ties. During the process, you’ll consider all key stakeholders: managers, end users, community reps, and more
Navigating an HMIS transition can be daunting — but a trustworthy guide makes all the difference. We’ll equip you with the checklists, toolkits, and resources needed for smooth sailing. For a taste of what our guide has to offer, let’s walk through a few keys to a successful transition.
Define strong goals. Why is your current HMIS falling short? What new features are must-haves? How will you track progress in your project? What does a “home run” look like to you? Questions like these will help you map out your project and prepare to make real headway.
Assemble an all-star team. A multidisciplinary approach is crucial — so you should invite diverse perspectives into the room. Your vendor selection committee will consist of a wide range of stakeholders, from high-level managers to the people who handle data every day.
Be vigilant as you evaluate potential vendors. As responses to your RFP begin to flood in, you should be ready to rank vendors. Score their responses, check their references, and ensure that they can satisfy your community’s unique needs. Finding the right fit is vital.
By the end of it all, you’ll have a highly qualified vendor that will streamline your systems of care. And that’s cause for celebration.

We’ve led dozens of clients, big and small, through this journey.
Just like you, our mission is to end homelessness. When you succeed, we succeed — and nothing is more fulfilling to us than guiding you to a great partnership.

Conquer your HMIS transition (with a skip in your step).
Sure, there are hurdles on the path to a new HMIS. But with our guide in your back pocket, you’ll clear them with ease.